Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Graciously Aggressive

How on earth did the time fly so quick that I find myself writing this in my last week here? I cannot dwell on it too much because I will indeed get tearful...its like when you’re watching an incredible movie and you just don’t want it to end...or you have miraculously managed to get the salt to popcorn ratio just right for a change and you find yourself scratching at the bottom of the box, devastated that there are only a few lone kernels left...okay I’m getting far too melodramatic with my soggy metaphors...
The past week was another whirlwind of challenges, excitement and emotions...and just when we thought we had that mysterious creature, known as “the casting director”(CD), figured out - a whole new batch came to enlighten us and break down any conclusions we were thinking of drawing about the industry, as we are nearing the end of the programme. Again the variety was refreshing with anything from gorgeous strapping male CD’s, killer body or a sense of humor both equally welcomed by the ladies. Formidable female CD’s with inspiring guidance, wisdom and honesty, as well as those who were so committed to crafting our work, that they were happy to run hours over schedule. 
Again my scenes were a real treat to perform with anything from playing a ballsy young rookie lawyer to a suffragette, to a supermodel wishing she was ugly to a woman taking her last breath before being murdered and then a doctor, a sister, a waitress and the list goes on. What an incredible gift - every day! 
Having been so extremely busy with class, it has been tricky trying to make time to play. However I did manage to get out for the occasional Mexican happy hour or Starbucks...I fell in love the other day with Samuel French - a book store. Imagine a whole store bursting with every book on each and everything you absolutely adore. It was like Disney World and I had to display incredible will power to not walk out lugging half a library with me. 
We decided on a night out too, at The Standard - a rather swanky hotel, meant to echo Amsterdam’s Red light District. As you walk in there is a girl in a glass box, lying on a mattress in her underwear. I was fascinated - and the novelty of her being gawked at like an animal in the zoo is something all the employees seem to relish. I must commend this girl on her time management skills, as every time I walked past she was enjoying a different pass time- either reading, texting or working on her laptop...apparently they are even encouraged to fall asleep :) Anyway we had an amazing dinner and moved onto the club... we all seemed to forget that we were in a rather flamboyant part of Sunset Boulevard and that there would be no attention paid to us by our male counterparts. The surprise of retro Peter Pan themed restroom wallpaper made up for any possible disappointment:)
I also went for another mani and pedi down the road at this tiny little place run by a cheerful thai family. As is standard in most nail bars in LA, the massage chair went down particularly well while i waited to be pampered. As I peeled open one eye to inspect who was about to give my nails a good spruce up...I was astonished to find a gentleman gently caressing my hand and jabbering on with the other nail ladies - matching them in volume and expression, with not one patron in the whole shop having a cooking clue how they were most probably critically commenting on each lady and sharing juicy gossip. 
Now I have always been a feminist in many ways, advocating equality all the way - and I must admit I had to catch myself being judgmental as I incredulously watched my nail guy working his magic...but if a woman can do anything a man can do and probably better...than who was I to deny him. Although I must say I was rather relieved when a tiny little doll of a woman began my it is I am very ticklish, and giggling away while he painted each tootsie would have been far more embarrassing to me than for him I’m guessing. 
Now I have never been too obsessed with the idea of celeb spotting but I figured since I was here I may at least glimpse one or two stars...alas nothing but a very frazzled looking Miley Cyrus came running through the Nail Bar, hurtling towards a curtained off area at the back...was I certain it was her? Yes, it was unmistakable. Was excited? Not in the slightest...fate could have at least thrown me Leo DiCaprio (my teen crush) or a glamourous starlet or pop tart. My nail guy didn’t even flinch at her dramatic entrance - although he was intensely focusing on perfecting my French Manicure.
So there are still many adventures to be had in this final week with a number of things which need to be ticked off the “to-do list”. So enough writing...I better get out there!

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