Saturday, May 1, 2010

Searching for Superman

So I had Wednesday off and where better to start but on Hollywood Boulevard. I was accompanied by my classmate and lovely new friend Penny and what a day we had! We both needed to keep pinching each other as we emerged all smiles from our cab, right in front of Grauman's Chinese Theatre, deliciously kit ch and swarming with tourists. Not knowing whether to look down at the star riddled pavement or up at the infamous buildings...each one seeming to have rolled straight out of a movie or the E entertainment channel. 

We strolled up to the Kodak Theatre where all the favourites hang out, Tinkerbell to The Incredibles to Batman and Spiderman...all hustling for a photo, tips welcome of course. But there was only one guy I wanted to meet, ever since I saw his documentary I have a new found respect...I'm a little concerned about his level of commitment...but all things considered, Superman seems to be quite a guy. Talk about "becoming" the character. But alas he was no where to be seen and the chilly wind called for a my case hot chocolate break, and I had to laugh as Mary Poppins was all dressed up, umbrella and bag neatly tucked under her seat as she sipped on her latte and checked her mails...

We walked for what felt like miles and only in a brief moment as we caught a breath from all the chatterboxing...we realised we weren't quite in "Kansas" anymore...instead of passing countless touristy shops, there was suddenly an array of wig stores with every conceivable hairstyle ever imaginable in every colour (obviously people see this as a photo op...they charge you to try them on and insist you buy a might as well buy the damn wig) so better to look and not chance having to shave my head and medicate my scalp before I do head shots! Don't somehow think that GI Jane is really my look...I was even more intrigued by the costume shops with rows of character shoes (mostly patent and platformed), glasses, jewelry, make up and every prop or accessory essential to getting that perfect look - I would hate to be trapped in one of these stores during Halloween. 

But the Kicker? It became apparent that we were perusing the hottest new fashions for..ahem...Ladies of the Night...once again America being the land of choice and opportunity, every style and colour for every nook and cranny was on display...what it was intended to cover is another story...I must also add that I was on a mission for boots, 'cause this weather is nipping at my ankles and the feeling in my toes comes and goes. However the popular thigh high velvet neon orange patent leather platforms weren't exactly what I was looking for...although the transparent stilettos with the aquarium in the platform was rather tempting:) 

This left us gals ravenous and after much deliberation we settled on a delightful little place called Cafe Audrey...totally up my alley...all decked out in black and white with huge mirrors, beautiful photos of Miss Tiffany's herself, witty quotes and yummy snacks. I reckon Miss Hepburn would have definitely been chuffed to have her very own cafe.

Once again I was on the hunt for my Superman, but sadly he was still off somewhere else saving someone else's world. In the meantime Penny and I were bizarrely harassed by a chubby Elvis with a chest of hair straight out of the 70's. In exchange for agreeing to have a photo with him, I casually asked if he happened to know Superman and can you believe it, he pulls his phone out of his sock and starts going through his contacts...Hulk, Jack Sparrow, Minnie Mouse...quite a phonebook and voila...Superman, it rang for a while and regrettably he had to leave a message- telling him a lady "with more curves than a California Cactus" was waiting for him...oh how flattering - I have never been compared to a cactus before! 

We made our escape and got down to what we had intentionally set up to do for the day - to find a place that prints head shots, but of course couldn't resist a quick nail session...I had it on good authority that you can go pretty much anywhere in LA and have your nails done quick quick and cheap cheap...and they last looooong time. I reckon that nail bar was on their own special "English for Beginners Course"...watching old episodes of "Everybody Loves Raymond".

At this point we realised that it was maybe time to seriously consider finding a printing place before the sun set, and as we jumped in a cab, that was when I spotted him...there was my Superman having photos and he didn't even bother looking up to see me waving! I guess I will just have to go back...good excuse I guess :) Our cab driver was unfortunately even less charming - a rather large bullfrog of a man, with broken English and the audacity to drive us via New York to get to the place. A valuable lesson learnt in "being assertive with your rude cab driver", on both my and Penny's part - but our driver on the way back more than made up for him. If he could, the man would've carried both of us to our doorsteps and paid us for the pleasure of our company. 

So that was Wednesday and yesterday brought its own challenges in the form of my laptop committing suicide on me in the form of installing updates I didn't approve and which the stubborn old relic couldn't handle! not to worry, all sorted now though and i will give just a little hint...I understand now - the land of apple is a beautiful place of splendidness and magic! 

Oh and where ever you may be Superman...I'll visit you soon - get your best smile ready!

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